I am a PhD candidate in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan. I am advised by Prof. Douglas E. Schaubel. My research is mainly in the area of survival analysis with applications in the end stage renal disease setting. My dissertation research is specifically foscused on developing statistical methods for (i) analyzing clustered competing risks data and (ii) causal inference using instrumental variables for time-to-event data. I also work as a research assistant at the University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center, contributing to the Chronic Kidney Disease Surveillance System and the United States Renal Data System projects. Prior to coming to Michigan, I was a Quantitative Research Analyst at Acumen, LLC and before that I was a graduate student and research assistant at Department of Pharmacy Administration, The University of Mississippi.
Here’s my CV.
PhD in Biostatistics, 2017
University of Michigan
MS in Biostatistics, 2014
University of Michigan
MS in Pharmaceutical Science, 2011
University of Mississippi
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons.), 2009
Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani
Aug 2, 2017, Joint Statistical Meetings, 2017
Mar 12, 2017, ENAR International Biometric Society Meeting, 2017
Nov 4, 2015, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2015
May 23, 2011, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research - 16th Annual International Meeting, 2011
May 23, 2011, International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and outcomes Research - 16th Annual International Meeting, 2011
Used latent dirichlet allocation to examine and identify beneficial offensive philosophies; Developed an algorithm for player recommendation using various clustering methods (including non-parametric methods like dirichlet process gaussian mixture models)
Summer (2016) research project at the United Staes Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Detailed findings in an internal report and presentation to Division Heads and the Director at the Office of Biostatistcs in Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Advanced Proabibility and Statistical Inference
Regression Techniques / Machine Learning
Advanced Statistical Methods
My average day consists of drinking 5 cups of tea and getting yelled at plenty. Here’s a picture of me making passers by at Michigan Diag stare in disbelief, scratch their heads and crack a smile. I ocassionally blog about Cricket and Basketball.